What’s new this season in the world of malt and barley?
I am happy to finally say, spring is here and summer is closer than ever before. Like everyone in this city, the cold and rain make us miserable. We long for the warmth of the sunshine and the first crisp patio beer hitting our lips on an afternoon with our friends. Like guys it's May and there is sun...I can't!
As seasons change, so does food and beverages. Like the changing from winter to spring, we see more colour, more freshness and bright flavours. I’m happy to say we live in a day and age where beer has become more than a choice between Coors light and Canadian. Craft beer is alive and well in Ontario and with that comes the new spring releases of beer to be having on your patios.
There are so many styles to choose from making it harder to narrow down what you really want. How do you know what it will taste like if you have never had it before?
Wellllll….here are 4 styles you might be looking for a bit more clarification on, which are perfect for the coming patio weather.

Wheat Beers- This is one of my favourite styles of beer for a warm afternoon. If you like flavours of grapefruit, passionfruit, bubble-gum and orange with a bit of tang this is the beer for you. Wheat beers originally came from places like Germany and Austria and are now being made in North America as well. Hoegaarden or Blanche de Chambly are some classic examples of wheat beers
*Food Pairings: These go well with lighter foods like salads or vegetable dishes, maybe even a pizza or light pasta
Saisons-Traditionally the word means season, with the beer being brewed in the winter to be ready for the summer working farm season. Originally coming from Belgium, they are now being brewed across Canada. It’s typically a pale style of beer that is often fruity, malty and highly carbonated. The flavours are rustic and sometimes spices might be added to heighten certain flavours from the malts.
*Food Pairings: These beers are perfect with cheese and breads, fish or pork dishes
Sour Beers-These beers have become very popular in the past few years. Many brewers have caught on to the trend and are putting out different kinds of sour beers. They are intentionally acidic and have flavours of cranberries, strawberries and the presence of hops. Some breweries are using wild yeasts to create fermentation, so don’t be surprised if they are a little different than what you are used to tasting. I like to have a sour in a flight; simply because they are tart and having a full glass is a lot to take in if you have never had one before.
*Food Pairings: Due to the tart flavour, it makes it a great beer to have with food. I would drink it with roast chicken and pizza or serve it with some nice soft cheeses
IPA’s-The classic India Pale Ale or pale Ales are lighter beers originating from Britain. They usually have citrus characteristics and sometimes cloudy consistency. The name originates from British troops who were stationed in India in the 19th century. The beer had to be transported for a long journey, and would spoil by the time it reached India. So brewers increased the amount of hops and alcohol to make sure the beer wouldn’t spoil during the journey. The higher amount of hops resulted in a piny, herbal flavour and a higher final alcohol percentage. They usually have a stronger flavour and are more aromatic than classical lagers, so it’s best to be drunk in a wide bowled beer glass
*Food Pairing: IPA’s are very versatile and can go with all different kinds of proteins as well as vegetarian dishes. They are perfect to have with seafood on a hot day and also good with a burger on the patio
All right guys, now it’s time to get out there and get tasting some new beers. The LCBO now has a great selection of styles and prices. Also if you go directly to a brewery, you can taste and purchase beers that may not be sold outside of the actual brewery (that’s the good stuff)