What are your first food memories? Can you remember them now, or are they just a fuzzy image in the back of my mind?
I think some of our most vivid memories are ones that are connected to food. One's where you can see your family around a table and remember the smells coming from the kitchen. They might be memories that feature people who were from your past and others are about those still close to you now.

Pictures help to visualize the memories again and bring back the smells and feelings of the past. Sometimes you can even smell what it's in the picture, as if it's right beside you. Pictures recall emotions and imagery of a time that has passed.
Some of the funniest and hardest moments of life have been from a meal that has been shared with others. The best lessons are learned from others and when they are over food, you remember those lessons even more.
Food memories involve us using all 5 senses. They make us recall emotions that we have already had in the past. We remember the situation and most likely the time as well.
One of my first memories of food is in the garden with my mother. We were picking basil to make pesto. I can see my little hands, carefully taking the leaves and putting them into the colander we brought outside. I remember the sun shining and it being hot outside, so obviously it was in the summer.
I can still recall this memory and ones just like it many years later. I'm sure you can think of some yourself.

Sometimes I think we recall food memories when we are doing the same thing that we did before. You forget about this memory until you are doing the same activity and can see yourself in the past. Almost like a Deja-vu situation, like you have seen or been to the place before.
As life goes on we are inundated with information and senses. So how can we recall something that happened 30 years ago?

Recipes are a great way to recall memories and even smells and times that have passed. You may not remember the smell of the dish, but you look at the recipe and then your mind starts recalling scent. You remember the time frame and even the people who you were with. The smell of your grandparents house, while they were making Easter dinner all being brought to you by reading a recipe.
Taking pictures are another way that I capture food memories. Chances are you can taste that birthday cake in the background of your 5th birthday party. It's kind of crazy when you think about that.
The mind is an amazing thing when actually think about it.
Writing and taking pictures, sharing recipes and looking at books are some of the ways we keep memories of food. I do all these things, because I don't want to forget the smells, the people or the memories.
What are some of your most treasured food memories?
*An interesting read about food memories