I got a lot of chirps about putting up this recipe, so here she is
This is a super easy recipe and i'm not even saying that because this is what I do for a living. There are many versions and styles of this bread, with many kinds of toppings and everybody and their Nonna knowing a better way to do it. This is one of the many ways I do it!
With that being said, I maybe make it a bit differently than other people, so my suggestion is to make Focaccia with as many recipes as you can. That way you can figure out which one you like the best.
One thing that is common in all the recipes you will ever see is olive oil. Olive Oil is Liguria and it's used on pretty much everything. The Olive tree's line the coast of the region dotted with rocks and mountains. The mix of sea air and mountains give the soil different nutrients and make the oil more spicy than Olive oils from other regions in Italy.
You don't have to have the best Olive Oil to make Focaccia, but I will tell you that you can see the difference in the product when it is finished baking. If you don't have the good stuff, don't worry you can make it anyways.
I'm kind of a purist when it comes to what I'll put on top, but like I said you can use this recipe to add whatever you want on top. I like to just put sea salt and dried herbs like oregano or thyme. I also like to make sure it gets super crispy on the outside, so the colour will be more golden brown by the time it is finished.
Okay here it is! I'm always looking for feedback, so if anyone wants to let me know how they do it, that would be super cool!
Focaccia con Erba e Sale
40g fresh yeast or 2 envelopes dry active yeast
1 pinch sugar
3 cups flour (all purpose is fine)
1 cup warm water
1 tsp salt
1/2 cup olive oil and extra for greasing the pan
8 sprigs of thyme
1 handful of dry oregano
1 tbsp course sea salt
-Preheat the oven to 425 degrees Fahrenheit
-Crumble the yeast into 1 cup warm water and stir to dissolve. Add sugar and let it sit until it starts to activate (the water has to be warm for the yeast to get going)
-Stir in 4 tbsp of flour and cover with plastic wrap. Let this mixture proof in a warm place for 15 minutes (I usually let it sit above the over that is preheating)
-Sift the remaining flour into the mixer that has the bread hook attachment. Make a whole in the centre and add the sponge into it. Add 4 tbsp of Olive Oil and a pinch of salt
- Let the mixer go until the dough comes together and place on a worktable to knead until it becomes smooth
-Shape into a ball and place in an oiled stainless steel bowl and cover with plastic wrap
-Let it rise in a warm spot for 1 hour
-Grease a baking sheet with olive oil. * Like i said before, don't be shy with the olive oil. You will thank me later
-Place the dough on the baking sheet and press your fingers into the dough, spreading it out into a rectangle shape
-Cover with plastic and let it rise one more time in a warm place for 15 minutes
-Remove plastic and press down with your finger tips to create ridges and bumps in the dough
-Add the herbs and Salt to the top
-Bake at 425 for 15 minutes, brush with more olive oil (you will see that most of the oil has been absorbed into the dough), then turn the oven up to 450 for 10 minutes or until golden brown
*keep an eye on it at around the 20 minute mark, since the colour might turn very fast by this point
-Let cool and remove onto a wire rack to fully cool
-Cut into squares and serve
