Growing up with Food
I was a very happy child. I was lucky enough to grow up in a family that was part Italian, part Estonian and part Scottish. There were always disagreements and fights over how to make certain things for special holidays and what we were going to drink with dinner. Everyone would always gravitate to the kitchen, even if we were told to go sit down in the living room and wait until dinner was served. Some of my first memories are of my grandparents' kitchens and their gardens in the back yard that would grow fruit and vegetables in the summer months.
The women in my family were always great cooks and bakers. They were the first ones to take my hands and show me how to make something from nothing.

Something that nourishes you and makes you happy

Why Food is So Important
Food is a wonderful thing. It brings people together in one place and gives you the time to share stories and thoughts about life. Yes, to feed oneself is vital to live, but it doesn't have to be soulless. Stop avoiding flavor and create something that is actually delicious. Create something you are proud of, because when you put effort into food it will give back to you. That tiny extra bay leaf or the knob of butter you put on your potatoes will fill you and make you happier. There is much to learn about food and we will do it together. Check out my latest recipes on my blog.
Working with Food
I have worked with many amazing cooks in my lifetime. Some are professionals and others are women and men who love food and want to enjoy it with others. I've always felt that the best food comes from people with heart who care about what they are making. Cooking professionally is an art and a craft, but can only be done by people with hearts who love to eat. People who love to eat are the best people to learn from. You can take so much away from a meal that has been prepared by someone who wanted the ingredients to shine.
Happy cooking my friends!