A party without cake is just a meeting.
-Julia Child

The simple pleasures of great dessert
Marie Antonette said let them eat cake. Sure that was maybe just an off cut saying for the French to have whatever they wanted, but she did make a very good point. Cake is great, cookies are wonderful and there is nothing better than a good pie.
People count calories and measure their wastebands and think they can't enjoy a little sweet here and there, and for what!? So they can feel "better" about themselves?
Well my friends, you know what makes me feel good? A great dessert, especially at the end of a great meal.
Be adventurous
You're hosting a dinner but you are stumped on dessert because the last cake you made turned out dry. So you turn to the old cookbook on your shelf and make the same coffee cake with a recipe that has never failed you. Why not try something out of the ordinary and impress that special someone with a surprise at the end of the meal? (Check out my recipes for fail-safe desserts here).
Yes making desserts can be challenging and require a bit of skill, but don't be scared! I have made enough pastries to know how frustrating it is when it all goes wrong. I will give you some steps that will hopefully make your life easier and have your dessert turn out just the way you wanted it to.